TWELVE o'clock TUESDAY – 4/7/2020 - Stock Market Report
Bullish … rating of 7 (0 - 4 is bearish, 5 is neutral, 6 - 10 is bullish).
We ae making nice profits, having sold out early and bought back in at much lower prices.
Well … volatility remains quite high – but all the up-and-down days just put us back approximately where we started from last Tuesday (up 353 points for the 5-day period). Sectors of the market that performed well last week: energy (oil price recovery), health care (mostly speculative) and consumer staples (hold up well in recessions).
Wall Street professionals continue having difficulty projecting the economic impact, the S&P 500 earnings decline, and the market price level for all this. This has led to some irrational reactions on the part of some market participants, in my view.
I’ve been projecting that when a measure of confidence arises that the coronavirus is “under control”, we will have reached the bullish inflection point that will permit the market to rise back to prior levels, over what I believe will be a 15 month period. We are seeing the beginning stages of this, but a significant down day is still possible if the virus trend (in cases and deaths, especially in New York) worsens for a day or two. Otherwise, the crisis could be ending faster than expected.
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