TWELVE o'clock TUESDAY – Stock Market Report
by Robert Holman | The | November 3, 2020
MARKET BULLISH … Rating of 7 (0 - 4 is bearish, 5 is neutral, 6 - 10 is bullish). Cautious here because of the unknown election outcome.
ECONOMICS … The news is pretty good … good GDP growth, personal income and consumption that is typical of “good times” numbers, etc.
ELECTIONS, VIRUS and STIMULUS – Well, the election is finally here. Many in Wall Street say that in the short-term it really doesn’t matter who is elected President, both will stimulate the economy. What is important for the longer-term is what happens with the Senate and who is in the White House – is it controlled by Republicans or Democrats?
At some point in time, attention has to be focused on Coronavirus - the resurgence, the vaccine readiness, the increasing infection and death rates, and the upcoming winter season. What does all that mean for the markets? Well, it doesn’t look like it will be good. Ultimately, it’s my guess that Covid will impact the economy and the market primarily through higher volatility during an overall uptrend. Stay tuned for post-election thoughts next week – we’ll see what changes I have then.
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