12:00 TUESDAY – Bi-Weekly Market Report #237 – 5/14/24
by Robert Holman | www.DefensiveAdvisor.com
STOCK MARKET RATING (THE BIG PICTURE) … 6.0 (1-4 bearish, 5 neutral, 6-9 bullish). The economic warning signs have led me to change my perspective on the market, and I’m very cautious at this time because an economic slowdown may be just ahead. To make an analogy, I’m driving with my foot lightly on the gas pedal, maintaining speed but preparing for a slowdown just ahead.
Chairman Powell of the Fed announced what everyone suspected and said that rates may have to stay higher for longer, for the higher rates to do their work in reducing inflation. The market did not drop substantially after that, which is an encouraging sign for rational investing overruling knee-jerk reactions.
It looks like we have a more-or-less fully priced overall market where there are few obviously undervalued stocks. There are little pockets of opportunity to find undervalued stocks through hard work.
What I’m envisioning is a market that mostly moves more-or-less sideways, and slightly up, where income opportunities will be an important part of the overall return.
MAY BE OF INTEREST: Looking for Free Land: Here Are 12 States Where It’s Still Possible (msn.com)
PORTFOLIOS … After reading this report, if you are not sure what to do to take advantage of these conditions, you may go to my Secure Email to send me a message, and I’ll reply with the information you need.
TO MY CLIENTS … THANK YOU FOR YOUR TRUST. We’ve had great success since we started this RIA in mid-2018 and have done better than the market since that period.
Learn from the Bible: Proverbs 15:22 MSG - Refuse good advice and watch your plans fail; take good counsel and watch them succeed.
This 2-minute report is published every other Tuesday afternoon. To sign up for this bi-weekly e-Newsletter, go to: Newsletter Signup.
Opinions in this post are for general information only. They are not intended to provide specific advice to, or recommendations for, any individual without our complete knowledge of that individual’s total financial profile. No strategy assures success or protects against loss. Past performance does not guarantee future results.