TWELVE o’clock TUESDAY – Stock Market Report
by Robert Holman | The | July 14, 2020
Bullish … rating of 6 (0 - 4 is bearish, 5 is neutral, 6 - 10 is bullish) but cautious.
Two weeks ago, I wrote about developments that seemed to indicate new Texas coronavirus cases might have reached their peak. Well, that didn’t last long.
New cases continued to climb with new peaks in - Arizona on July 10, Texas on July 11, Florida on July 12, and California (dipped by now increasing). Yet the market continues to move sideways or sideways/and/up. It is just amazing the way the market overcomes negative news.
In our moderate-risk portfolios, 2 of our 4 holdings continue to set new highs (up 31% and 58%). Another is up 4.6% and a fourth is down 6.5% - these stocks are expected to return to more normal valuations in rotation-style as the economy gets better. These last two were doing much better in a good economy a month ago, and in my opinion will do better again. The fifth holding is the S&P 500 and that is doing quite well, up 22%. We are up 24% overall, and when the 4 problem states resolve their coronavirus issues, our latter holdings will move up quicker than the market, in my opinion.
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#Stock Market Investment Letter • #Investment Manager • #Independent Financial Advisor